Kamis, 02 Januari 2020

How To Cheating ˯�생물 ͂�우기 V.4.0 Updated 2020 Unlimited Hacking 100% Working on iOS and Android

  • Version: 4.0
  • File size: 25.58MB
  • Requires: Android 4.0+
  • Package Name: com.firestar.boxerraise
  • Developer: FireStar
  • Updated: June 19, 2018
  • Price: Free
  • Rate 4.50 stars – based on 4240 reviews

  • Features:

    • Unlimited Amounts Hack

    • Automatically updated

    • 100% Undetectable and Safe (Anti Ban Protection)

    • Easy to Use

    • Works with all Android / iOS devices

    • No ROOT or JAILBREAK required

    • Free


    • Enter Required Details

    • Enter amount of resources

    • Click "Generate" and wait a few seconds

    • Verify

    • Done! Enjoy your Free Resources

    The description of Digital World 미생물 키우기

    We provide 미생물 키우기 4.0 APK file for Android 4.0+ and up.
    미생물 키우기 is a free Adventure game.
    It's easy to download and install to your mobile phone.
    Please be aware that ApkPlz only share the original and free pure apk installer for 미생물 키우기 4.0 APK without any modifications.

    The average rating is 4.50 out of 5 stars on playstore.
    If you want to know more about 미생물 키우기 then you may visit FireStar support center for more information

    All the apps & games here are for home or personal use only. If any apk download infringes your copyright,
    please contact us. 미생물 키우기 is the property and trademark from the developer FireStar.

    [미생들의 리뷰]

    안녕하세요 한국에서 아기키우기 개발자입니다.

    이번엔 우리사회 모든 "미생"들에게 이게임을 바치고자 제작하게 되었습니다.

    저를 포함한 모든 "미생" 여러분들 힘내세요

    사랑합니다. ❤❤❤

    ♧ 미생물을 탄생시켜라!
    1. 미생물을 탄생시키려면 각각의 미생물의 성장레벨을 올리세요.
    2. 미생물의 성장레벨과 파워레벨은 서로 상관없습니다.
    3. 성장레벨은 미생물 탄생에 사용되고, 파워레벨은 미생물끼리 합체하여 각나라의 복서와 싸울때 사용됩니다.'
    4. 미생물이 많은수록, 각 미생물의 펀치파워가 셀수록 합체한 미생물인간의 파워가 강해집니다.
    5. 북한의 김정흔을 정복하고 평화를 이루세요
    개발자 연락처 :
    [email protected]

    [Review of microbes]

    Hello Baby Grow developers in Korea.

    This time it created characters that dedicate to all our community "microorganisms" this.

    All "microorganisms", including myself, you himnaeseyo

    Love it. ❤❤❤

    ♧ Attend the birth of microorganisms!
     1. To Earn born microbial growth level of each of the microorganisms.
     2. The level of microbial growth and power levels are not correlated with each other.
     3. The growth level is used for microbial birth, the power level is used to fight a boxer in each country between the polymer micro-organisms. "
     4. The number of microbes, microbial power of each punch is the stronger the higher microbial cells of human power copolymers.
     5. Please conquered the North of achieving peace and gimjeongheun

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